Tuesday, September 22, 2020

Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund
The Kentucky Agricultural Development Fund provides incentives for innovative proposals that increase net farm income, stimulates markets for Kentucky agricultural products, creates new ways to add value to Kentucky agricultural products, and explores new opportunities for Kentucky farmers. For more information visit the Kentucky Office of Agricultural Policy’s website, https://www.kyagr.com/agpolicy/ or call (502) 564-4627.

Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation
The Kentucky Agricultural Finance Corporation provides capital access for agricultural diversification and infrastructure projects. Participating Loan Programs Include: Agricultural Infrastructure, Beginning Farmer, Diversification through Entrepreneurship in Agri-business and Large Animal Veterinary Programs. Direct Loan Programs include the Agricultural Process Loan Program and the Coordinated Value-Added Assistance Loan Program. For more information visit the Kentucky Office of Agricultural Policy’s KAFC website, https://www.kyagr.com/agpolicy/Kentucky-Ag-Finance-Corporation.html or contact Bill McCloskey at (502) 564-4627.

Kentucky Selling Farmer Tax Credit (KSFTC)
The purpose of the Kentucky Selling Farmer Tax Credit program is to encourage the continued use of agricultural land for farming purposes by granting tax credits to selling farmers who agree to sell agricultural land and assets to beginning farmers. Selling farmers who complete an eligible sale may qualify for a tax credit up to 5% of the purchase price of qualifying agricultural assets, subject to caps of $25,000 per calendar year and $100,000 lifetime. Guidelines


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Industrial Fish Park

Chả Cá Mè Thiên Nhiên: Sản Vật Bất Ngờ Của Hoa Kỳ (In Vietnamese)

Hầu hết sản phẩm cá nước ngọt trên thị trường hiện nay đến từ nguồn cá nuôi. Khác biệt với cá biển, điều kiện sinh trưởng tự nhiên ở sông hồ...